Sahiwal, September 10, 2017
Orientatation Session for newly admitted students of Fall 2017 was held at department
level, CIIT Sahiwal which was attended by more than 760 newly admitted students
alongwith their parents and large number of faculty members.
The newly admitted students and their parents were briefed by concerned HoDs about
CIIT, its history, achievements, programs and recent ranking. They were briefed
about registration, proctorial board, examination, and disciplinary rules applicable
at CIIT Sahiwal. They were briefed about scholarship opportunities available at
CIIT Sahiwal as well.
Prof. Dr. Saleem Farooq Shaukat, Director, welcomed all new comers at CIIT Sahiwal.
He congratulated all students and their parents for choosing CIIT, one of the best
educational institutions in Pakistan.
As directed by the worthy Director, different Help Desks were established in Student
Service Center where, several ssues like hostel accommodation, transportation, scholarships,
and new registrations were addressed.
After conclusion of Orientation Session, all students and their parents were served
refreshment (lunch boxes).