Tuesday, April 01, 2025

Code of Conduct

Rules and regulations for Students

  • Rules and Regulations of Proctorial Board


    Fulfilling the duty of الْأَمْرِ بِالْمَعْرُوْفِ وَالنَّهْيِ عَنِ الْمُنْکَرِ assigned by Allah ﷻ.


    Educating and maintaining law & order, rules and ethics amongst the students of all departments of CUI Sahiwal Campus.


    A productive constructive environment in CUI Sahiwal Campus, free from toxicity or noxiousness.


    To create a peaceful, comfortable, healthy and safe environment and activities for the students where they can be at their best at learning and productivity.

    1) General Rules for Students

    • Attendance: Students should attend all classes and exams as per the schedule set by the university. Students found roaming around missing their scheduled lectures may face disciplinary action by the proctorial board.
    • Respect for others: Students are expected to show respect for their university fellows, classmates, faculty members, and university staff. Any form of unethical behaviour, harassment or bullying will not be tolerated.
    • Dress code: Students are required to dress appropriately and follow the dress code set by the university.
    • Campus facilities: Students are responsible for keeping the university campus and facilities clean and tidy. They should not engage in any activities that could damage the university property.
    • Smoking and drugs: Smoking and the use of drugs are strictly prohibited on campus.
    • Noise and disruption: Students should not make excessive noise or engage in any activities that disrupt the learning environment.
    • Emergency procedures: Students are required to follow the emergency procedures set by the university in case of any emergency.
    • Sports and games must be played in separate gender set (i.e. males/females) and in the allocated areas respectively.
    • These rules are meant to promote a positive and respectful learning environment for all students. Failure to abide by these rules could result in disciplinary action.

    2) Misconduct

    • Violating any of the proctorial rules.
    • Abusive or swearing language, unsolicited advances and/or comments is considered violation.
    • Any misconduct with fellow students, staff, faculty or visitors may result in suspension of registration or expulsion from the campus.
    • Creation, display, distribution, uploading or sharing anything that is indecent or that can cause harm.
    • Hate: hateful speech, signs or symbols, negative stereotypes or otherwise expressing or promoting hate based on identity, race/ethnicity, religion/sect etc.
    • Harassment: mocking, threatening, blackmailing or bullying an individual.
    • Violence: violent acts, threats (or carrying) of weapon, and the suffering or humiliation of others.
    • Self-harm or promotion of harming oneself.
    • Obscene gestures, signs on clothes or otherwise or other profane subjects that may disgust.
    • Deception: Spreading false information, rumours, conspiracy theories.
    • Political Activities including rallies, sit-ins, protests, chanting, or representation of someone’s political agenda.
    • Causing Pollution or Health & Safety risk.
    • Using or uploading images of people without their consent.
    • Vandalising or Putting any marks on building, furniture or machinery etc can result in fine or replacement cost of the affected stuff.
    • Intentionally providing false information, lying, untrue complaints and reporting, telling lies, forgery, hiding facts when asked.
    • Unauthorised usage of facilities not meant for the person. (e.g. faculty washrooms, irrelevant labs & equipment).
    • Entering forbidden/out-of-bound areas.
    • Partying, pranks, mixed gender sports etc.
    • Accessing protected/private data or information, office records or classified information.
    • Sitting or roaming around with the opposite gender exclusively as a couple. Moreover, in group activities touching or getting closer than an arm’s distance with the opposite gender (e,g. Shaking hands / sharing screens or reading notes etc together / having food together in the same utensil / taking selfies etc.)
    • Public show of affection in any act, gestures, or expressions.
    • Assisting unauthorised outsiders in entering campus and so on.
    • Involving in something outside campus that brings defame or notoriety to CUI.

    3) Dress Code:Islamic Modesty is the best practice


    Clothes covering essentially according to Islamic modesty.

      Should be:
      • Loose Clothing.
      • Upper garments must be full sleeves.
      • Lower Garments long enough to cover ankles.
      Shouldn’t be:
      • Revealing
      • See through cloth.
      • Tight clothing.
      • Shirts shorter than knee length, T-Shirts.
      • Tights, Churidar Pajama.


    Clothes covering essentially according to Islamic modesty.

      Should be:
      • Decent formal/semi-formal dressing.
      Shouldn’t be:
      • Revealing in any way or sense.
      • Shorts above knee length.
      • Skin-tight bottoms.
      • Torn and unpresentable faded jeans.
      • Feminine attire.
      • Tattoos, piercing and Jewellery (other than rings).

    4) Cleanliness of Campus

    • Littering is absolutely prohibited and may result in a student performing an obligatory cleaning job for a prescribedperiod of time.
    • Vandalising or Putting any marks on building, furniture or machinery etc can result in fine or replacement cost of the affected stuff.

    5) Penalties:

    • Mandatory attendance in workshops on ethics, values, tazkiya and moral conduct.
    • Restrictions preventing participation in certain campus activities.
    • Can’t become an Usher / Teacher’s Assistant.
    • Can’t represent campus in competitions outside of Sahiwal campus for a semester or two or more.
    • Assignments/presentations on topics related to violation

    • Such presentations shall be made on weekly basis with arrangements of audience by proctorial board.
    • Mandatory service

    • Upon littering related violation: Cleaning Job for one day every week for the whole semester or as decided by the board.
    • Violators may be made to contribute to the proctorial campaign (e.g. paint/print a poster urging a certain value restoration campaign etc.)
    • Any service assigned by the Universityfor a designated number of working hours.
    • Fines

    • For breaking rules: up to Rs.10,000 depending on the severity (or decided by campus disciplinary committee in special cases).
    • For Vandalism: Replacement/Restoration cost of damaged property.
    • Monetary fines are paid in CUI Sahiwal’s bank account, through bank challan obtained from the accounts office.
    • Letter to parents informing them of student’s misconduct/violation.
    • Name and penalties to be displayed on notice boards.
    • Any other measures deemed appropriate by the proctorial board.
  • Lab Safety Rules
    • Every student should wear and display his / her identity card and produce it on demand by the authorities i.e by any member of the staff or other authorized persons.
    • The use of cell phones (including text messaging) and beepers is not permitted in the lab All electronic devices must be on silent or vibrate mode.
    • Never eat, drink, or smoke while working in the lab.
    • Loose Clothes, Open Shoes and wearing Ties are not allowed in the Lab.
    • Students are not allowed to plug in any electrical devices in the lab.
    • Do not use any equipment unless you are trained and approved as a user by your supervisor.
    • Keep your fingers away at all times from moving machinery, practical and test equipment.
    • If a piece of equipment fails while being used, report it immediately to your lab assistant or tutor Never try to fix the problem yourself because you could harm yourself and others.
    • If you need assistance, raise your hand, and a lab assistant will come to help you.
    • Students should not abuse the labs or any equipment If users have a problem with the equipment, they should ask the lab assistant for help.
    • Any abuse of tools observed must immediately be reported to a Technician.
    • Read labels carefully.
    • Make sure that you know how to secure the equipment you are working on in case of an emergency.
    • Any individual that exhibits a pattern of safety or procedure violations will be banned from use of the facility and reported to the department Incharge.
  • Library Rules and Regulations
    • Users are not allowed to bring their personal belonging in to the library.
    • All members shall be required to leave their belongings (books, files, handbags, registers, etc.) at the entrance of the library at designated place.
    • Users are not allowed to write, underline or mark the library books The library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower shall be held responsible for defacing, or damaging, or causing loss of library materials in their possession.
    • In case of study in the library, after consultation the library materials are to be left on the reading table, which shall be shelved by the library staff appropriately
    • Silence must be observed strictly in the Library.
    • Consumption of food and drinking is not permitted in the library.
    • Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the Library.
    • Loud talk/ un-necessary discussion/ disturbance/ snoozing etc shall not be allowed inside the library.
    • Students are entitled to borrow books (excluding reference books) for a period of one week.
    • Borrowed books may be renewed for a further period, if these have not been reserved for another user.
    • Over-due books shall not be renewed.
    • A fine of Rs 10 per book per day shall be charged for late return.
    • In case of lost books the books shall have to be replaced. For out of print titles the amount equal to five times the original purchase price of the book shall be charged.
    • Those borrowers who have lost books shall not be allowed to borrow any library material until the lost materials have been replaced.
    • No book or library materials may be brought out of the library until the loan has been recorded.
    • Unauthorized removal of library materials regarded as a very serious offence.
    • If a library card is lost or damaged, Rs. 100 shall be charged for new card.
    • Do not use the computers to do the E-mails,Playing games,Playing music.
    • The Library staff on duty has the right to request a user to leave the premises if he is found to be violating any of the Library rules.
  • Rules & Regulations of Undergraduate Programs Relating to the Registration Office

    Freezing of Studies

    • A student may be allowed to freeze studies before the commencement of a semester, with the permission of the Director of a campus or Incharge of Academic Affairs. Freezing of studies for a bachelor degree program shall not be allowed for more than four semesters in total. For a Master degree program the maximum limit shall be two semesters in total However, not more than two semesters in succession shall be allowed to be frozen at a time.
    • Freezing shall only become effective when appropriately notified, failing which the name of the absentee student shall be struck off the campus rolls. In that case, resumption of studies shall only be allowed after payment of Admission Fee and Registration fee subject to fulfillment of the eligibility criteria for readmission as per CUI regulations relating to undergraduate degree programs.
    • Freeze semester(s) shall count towards the maximum permissible number of semesters.

    Registration of Course

    • Students are required to register their courses to be studied in every semester as per CUI notified scheme of studies during the Registration week before start of every semester as per notified semester calendar by depositing prescribed fee within due date. Minimum twelve (12) and maximum twenty-one (21) credit hours per semester are allowed to be registered during normal duration of studies.

    Drop of Course(s)

    • Student may drop one or more courses within due date as per notified semester calendar provided that total number of credit hours registered in the semester shall not fall below the minimum credit hours required to be a full-time student in the semester. The course in such case will not appear in the semester result notification, or on either the semester result card or the final transcript.

    Withdrawal of Course(s) or Semester

    • A student may be allowed to withdraw from a course or a whole semester, within due date as per notified semester calendar, with the permission of the Director of a Campus/Incharge of Academic Affairs.
    • Withdrawal from a course or the whole semester, as the case may be, shall not result in academic penalty However, the semester fees shall not be allowed to roll over, and the withdrawn courses/semester shall be mentioned in the transcript
    • Withdrawn semester(s) shall count towards the maximum permissible number of semesters.

    Re-Admission Undergraduate Programs

    • Re-admission to a student whose admission was cancelled due to long absence may be allowed, by the competent Authority, on payment of re-admission fee and the Registration fee of the abstained semester in addition to the normal semester fee in which readmission is sought subject to meeting/ fulfillment of other requirements of the Campus provided that,
      He / She submits a written request to the concerned Head of department, citing the reason for abstaining from the University without permission. The request should be received at least 15 Calendar days before the scheduled date for commencement of the semester in which the re-admission is sought.
    • Re-admission of student with “Dismissal (DIS)” status may be allowed only once during the whole period of studies If a student earns “DIS” in the first half of studies (i.e within first four semesters) is allowed re-admission in the first semester without competing with the new applicants and paying re-admission fee.
    • A student who attains DIS status after 4 th semester i.e. during second half of studies, may avail the only one chance to repeat the same semester by quashing his /her result of the semester in which he/she is dismissed in 2 nd half of his/her studies. A student who is dismissed twice, no longer remains a student of CUI.
  • Rules & Regulations for Undergraduate Programs Relating to the Examination Office
    • Students shall be evaluated in each course on the basis of tests, classroom assignments, quizzes, practical work in the laboratories, and terminal examinations The distribution of marks shall be as follows:
    • Revised to be effective from Fall 2021 admissions at CUI system
    • Courses without practical/lab work requirement:
    • MidTerm Test 25 %
      Quizes and Assignmenets 25 %
      Terminal Examination 50 %
    • Courses with practical/lab work requirement:
    • Theory Part:
    • MidTerm Test 25 %
      Quizes and Assignmenets 25 %
      Terminal Examination 50 %
    • Practical/Lab work Part:
    • MidTerm Lab 25 %
      Lab Assignmenets 25 %
      Lab Terminal Examination/Viva 50 %
    • Marks in the courses with practical/lab work shall be calculated as per the following formula: Total % Marks = {(% Theory Marks X theory credit hours) + (%Practical Marks X Practical Credit hours)}/Total Credit Hours work., Failure in any one, theory or practical, shall result in failure in the course.
    • The students shall have to pass separately in theory and in practical/lab work Failure in any one, theory or practical, shall result in failure in the course.
    • Terminal examination shall be held at the end of each semester on the notified dates.
    • Students shall be eligible to appear in the terminal examination provided.
    • They have paid all prescribed fees/charges and have been on the rolls of the campus during that semester.
    • They have registered for the courses of study and have attended not less than 80% of the lectures/seminars delivered in each course and 80% of the practical/laboratory work prescribed for the respective courses. The students falling short of required percentage of attendance of lectures/seminars/ practical/laboratory work, etc., shall not be allowed to appear in the terminal examination of the concerned course and shall be treated as failed in that course.


    • The instructors/teachers of the concerned courses will check/ marking/ graded answer books to the students, after which they shall send the same along with award lists to their chairmen/heads of departments, who shall send the same to the examination section under their signatures The examination section after tabulation/verification of the individual results shall notify the consolidated results accordingly. Answer books of terminal examinations shall be stored for one year, after which they shall be destroyed.
    • Copies of the result notifications issued on the completion of a semester shall invariably be sent to the Controller of Examinations.


    • The minimum pass marks for each course shall be 50%. Students obtaining less than 50% marks in any course shall be deemed to have failed in that course.
    • The correspondence between letter grades, credit points, and percentage marks shall be as follows:
    • Percentage Obtained in a Semester System Grade Grade Points
      85 and above A 4.00
      80 - 84 A- 3.66
      75 - 79 B+ 3.33
      71 - 74 B 3.00
      68 - 70 B- 2.66
      64 - 67 C+ 2.33
      61 - 63 C 2.00
      58 - 60 C- 1.66
      54 - 57 D+ 1.30
      50 - 53 D 1.00
      Below 50 F 0.0

    Scholastic Status

    • Each student is assigned a three-letter abbreviated status on the transcript according to the scholastic achievements during the semester. Each status reflects the changes in the academic achievements and has been individually explained below.
    • Copies of the result notifications issued on the completion of a semester shall invariably be sent to the Controller of Examinations.
    • Good Standing (GAS)

      Students are assigned this status at the beginning of their studies. It is retained as long as the CGPA does not fall below 2.00/4.

      Probation (PRB)

      A student is placed under probation if his/her CGPA falls below 2.00/4 at the end of a semester.

      Dismissal (DIS)

      A student already on probation is automatically dismissed if he/she attains a second successive probation at the end of a semester.

      Non-Credit (NC)

      A student may register for non-credit courses during a semester, such courses shall appear on the transcript as ‘NC’.

      Withdrawal (WD)

      If a student withdraws a course/courses, it shall appear on the transcript as ‘WD’ whereas, in case of semester withdrawal the same would appear on the transcript i.e. “Semester Withdrawal”.

    Make-Up Examinations

    • At the discretion of chairman/head of the concerned department, the make-up of midterm may be permissible under special circumstances.

    Failure in Pre-Requisite Courses

    • If a student fails in pre-requisite courses, he/she shall be allowed/ required to repeat/ register the failed pre-requisite courses. The student would be eligible to register the sequel courses after passing/clearing the pre-requisite courses.

    Improvement of Grades

    • Students may be allowed to improve their course grade(s).

    Rechecking of Answer Books

    • A student may, on payment of the prescribed fee, get the answer book rechecked in the presence of the concerned teacher and an officer of the examination section, in its secrecy room, for totaling and for verification that all questions or parts thereof have been fully marked. Re-evaluation of the paper, however, shall not be allowed, except for the evaluation of the unmarked answer or a part thereof. Rechecking shall only be allowed within 10 days of the declaration of the result at campus level.

    Unfair Means Rules and Regulations

    • Using hand signals during examinations.
    • Procuring or divulging information to a student pertaining to the examinations question.
    • Concealing notes on clothing, hands, caps, shoes or in pockets etc.
    • Supplying to a student during his/her examinations, answer to a question that may or may not be contained in the question paper.
    • Copying from any paper, book or notes or an electronic device, or allowing any other student to copy the answer, or using or attempting to use these or any other unfair means.
    • Possessing papers, books, notes, electronics device, or any material which may possibly be of assistance in the examinations, and which have been explicitly prohibited in the examinations.
    • Giving or receiving unlawful assistance during an examination.
    • Impersonating or falsely representing a student in the examinations.
    • Replacing an answer book or any portion thereof.
    • Mutilating an answer book by way of tearing off pages.
    • Impeding the progress of an examination by any means whatsoever.
    • Assaulting or threatening to assault any person(s) in charge of an examinations.
    • Possessing fire-arms or anything capable of being used as a weapon of offence during an examination.
    • Falsifying an examination result by any means including the substitution of answer books, mutilation and/or alteration of the examinations records, etc.
    • Approaching or influencing an employee of the University to act corruptly or dishonestly in the conduct of an examinations, declaration of examinations results and/or marking of papers or obtaining secret information relating to examinations.
    • Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one & 39;s own in any academic exercise and failure to attribute direct quotation, paraphrase or borrowed facts, information or prose etc.
    • Mutilating, altering, interpolating or erasing a certificate(s) or other document(s) or any record maintained by the University or in any manner using or causing to be used, certificate(s), document(s) or record(s), knowing that it is mutilated, interpolated or erased.
    • Any such offences which are deemed to constitute the use of unfair-means.


    The penalties for using unfair-means in examinations may be any of the following or a combination thereof:

    • Cancellation of the examination paper in which the unfair-means were used.
    • Cancellation of a portion of the paper in which unfair-means were used.
    • A fine of upto Rs. 50,000/- commensurate with the offense.
    • Cancellation of the entire examinations results of a semester, whether or not already completed, wherein the malpractice occurred.
    • Cancellation of the entire course to which the examination paper was related.
    • Disqualification from appearing in examinations for a specified period.
    • Rejection of the research report, dissertation or thesis when found guilty of plagiarism.
    • Expulsion from the rolls of the University.
    • Rustication from the University.
    • Forfeiture of the degree/transcript/diploma/certificate.
  • Do and Do Not for Students


    • Always display your student identity card before entering the campus and keep displaying as long as you stay within campus premises.
    • Abide by the dress code.
    • Be ethical and mannered.
    • Attend classes regularly without failing to maintain minimum 80% attendance.
    • Be punctual and regular, come to the class in time (no tardiness).
    • Participate in the class discussions & team projects.
    • Have read & understood text prior to class in order to gain quality participation.
    • Complete all written assignments in time.
    • Take part in all quizzes & exams.
    • Use the campus facilities (i.e. lab, library & furniture etc) like your own things.
    • Keep the cell phones silent within classrooms/library/lab/ offices.
    • Avoid littering anywhere in the campus.
    • Believe in earning reward through hard work.
    • Follow the rules and regulations of the CUI.
    • Observe the code of conduct, discipline and rules & regulations of the Proctorial board of the Campus/University.
    • Respect the teachers, Officers, staff/ all employees of the University.
    • Frequently visit notice boards, official website of the campus and your CU online student login console.
    • Follow the instructions issued by the authorities from time to time.
    • Discuss your queries with your Batch Advisor,the respective HoD and timely get resolved your issues/ matters (if any).

    Do Not

    • Violation of the public morals, such as use of indecent and abusive language etc.
    • Undesirable verbal remarks and vulgar gestures.
    • Unethical activities.
    • Acts of moral turpitude.
    • Disorderly behavior.
    • Quarreling.
    • Fighting.
    • Insolence towards others.
    • Use of force.
    • Breaking laws, rules, regulations and policies.
    • Spreading by word of mouth or written material religious, sectarian, ethnic, regional or linguistic conflict or hatred.
    • Impersonation, giving false information, willful suppression of information, cheating, deceiving, plagiarizing.
    • Indulgence in the acts that may cause insult or bodily injury to fellow students, teachers, officers, staff & other employees.
    • Any comments on the notices/ notifications issued by the authorities.
    • Smoking/ drugs/ narcotics anywhere in the Campus.
    • Defiance of lawful authority.
    • Academic and/ or other dishonesty/ Unfair means.
    • Foot-printing and any type of comments on walls, furniture and fixtures etc.
    • Use of cell phone camera within campus without prior permission of the concerned authority of the campus.
    • Verbal/physical abuse or clash with anyone within Campus.
    • Politics.
    • Arms.
    • Any prohibited/ illegal activity.

Students at a Glance

  • Enrolled Students: 3675
  • Passed Out Students: 8037

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal campus is situated half-way between Lahore and Multan on COMSATS Road off G.T Road Sahiwal, was formally inaugurated on September 23, 2006. The campus is purpose built and is spread over area of 36 acres on land...

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