Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
29th Convocation of COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) was held at COMSATS Sahiwal. The proceedings were started with National anthem and recitation from the holy Quran.

Dr. Inam ur Rahman (Hilal-e-Imtiaz, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, Aizaz-e-Kamal) was the chief guest of the event and Rector CUI Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar and Director CUI, Sahiwal Campus Prof. Dr. Nazir Ahmad Zafar was the guest of honor. Choudhary Nouraiz Shakoor former Federal Minister for Science and Technology, Members of Senate, Syndicate, Academic Council, Deans, Directors, Principal Officers, Controller of Examinations, political and social personalities, media representatives, and students along with their parents participated in a large number in the convocation.

In the convocation, 393 male and 262 female students were awarded degrees in the departments of Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biosciences, Mathematics and Management Sciences, including 546 BS graduates and 109 MS graduates while 29 students were awarded gold, browns and silver medals.

Guest of honour Rector CUI Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar while addressing the audience said that he is proud to inform that the ranking of Comsats University has improved significantly compared to 2022, Times Higher Education (THE ) ranking 2023 among the top 800 universities in the world by COMSATS, top 600 universities in life sciences, top 500 universities in physical sciences, top 400 universities in computer sciences, engineering, business and economics. Also, according to the QS University Ranking Sustainability 2023, COMSATS University is ranked 308th globally in environmental impact performance, 428th in social impact performance and among the top 360 universities in the world overall. According to the Shanghai University Rankings 2022-23, COMSATS University is ranked second in Pakistan and among the top 750 universities in the world. During the last two decades, COMSATS University has won many academic and research awards at the national and international levels. The faculty of COMSATS University has published more than 17000 impact factor research publications in reputed national and international journals. COMSATS did not achieve this success overnight, it is the result of 23 years of continuous struggle.

There is no shortcut to success. Students always need the best institutions to secure their future. By leveraging its capabilities, Comse COMSATS University has now become a hub for engineering, scientific, technical, business and humanities education in the region, preparing students for the challenges of the future. He said that he is also proud to report that the employment rate of COMSATS University graduates is very high. After graduating from COMSATS University, students are welcomed nationally and internationally as COMSATS University trains its graduates to meet the demands of a digitally transformed world and prepare them as businessmen, managers, teams Leaders prepare for academia and research. Addressing the parents, he said that he knew that the parents would have sacrificed their needs for their children. Now, it is the duty of the graduates of the institution to return it all to their parents. He said that he wants to see COMSATS graduates occupying leadership positions in the market. He told the students that their goal is to be of benefit to their family, society and country as Comsats University leaves no stone unturned to provide you with the best possible educational environment. He further said that he congratulates the Director of COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal Campus for this development. He said that he appreciated the skill and coordination of the Sahiwal team for making the convocation a successful and memorable one.

Addressing the convocation, Director CUI, Sahiwal Campus Prof. Dr. Nazir Ahmad Zafar said that currently 3400 students are studying in 22 graduate and undergraduate programs in the campus. Since the establishment of the campus, 7,341 students have completed their education so far, out of which 45% are graduate students. He informed that 5 PhD programs have been approved with the support of the concerned departments, chairpersons and deans of the faculties which will be started very soon. Starting a PhD program in a small town and attaining the highest academic qualification will be a boon to the local people, especially the female students, who cannot continue their studies due to cultural and social barriers.

Understanding the needs of the region, various programs including BS English and BS Biochemistry have been started in the campus. In near future, Comsats Sahiwal is committed to start some more programs like, BS Artificial Intelligences, BS Data Science and BS Biotechnology, BS Agriculture Science etc. The director apprised the participants about the ongoing development projects in the campus like modern academic block, 300 KVA solar plant, PhD block, auditorium, new buses, new air conditioners and clean water plant.

He said that more projects are being started in the future to provide more facilities to the students. At the end, the Campus Director thanked all the participants, particularly all the media representatives for the awesome coverage of the Convocation event.

The degrees and medals were awarded by Dr. Inam ur Rahman (Hilal-e-Imtiaz, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, Aizaz-e-Kamal), Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar , Rector, CUI and Prof. Dr. Nazir Ahmad Zafar, Director CUI Sahiwal.

Formal proceedings of the Convocation were concluded with National Antheme. This memorable event was concluded with group photos and delious lunch in the honor of all participants.

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Alumni at a Glance

  • Enrolled Students: 3675
  • Total Passed Out Students: 8037

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal campus is situated half-way between Lahore and Multan on COMSATS Road off G.T Road Sahiwal, was formally inaugurated on September 23, 2006. The campus is purpose built and is spread over area of 36 acres on land...

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